New topic show Ableism 5/10/ 21 TMFOTA Show Able Privilege: How society shows more favor for the those without disabilities than those with. (Society’s structure) Ableism discrimination against people with disabilities. Stella Young comedian/activist coined term inspiration porn we died December 6, 2014 Inspiration porn: Able people view and use people with disabilities solely as objects of their own inspiration. The term inspiration porn was coined by Stella Young, an Australian comedian, journalist, and disability rights activist. My personal stance on ableism, it’s about the tone of the conversation, and the approach. Not the topic or title alone. And honestly I would rather be guilty of spreading inspiration porn than hate against our diverse community if we even got that attention long enough for people to notice. This is not a celebrity stance-and the fact that we seem ore concerned about our representation being shown in Hollywood, rather in ever day life/soci...
A blog that deals with all things related to the disabled community. Both visible and invisible. A place where I'll share my thoughts, insights, opinions, and experiences with all of you!