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Showing posts from September, 2016

The Secret Struggle: Dyslexia, Time To Erase the Stigma

The most common misconception about dyslexia is that it has to do with what you're seeing. IE:words or symbols that appear backwards, jumping off the page, when in reality it's about processing language. * Dyslexia is the most common learning disabilities among children. They can go for years without knowing they even have it. * Dyslexia effects 1-5 people * Can run in families in various stages There are 3 key parts of the brain that work simultaneously. * Phoneme recognizer: Sounding out/breaking down words.EX. The sound or letter T * Word analyzer analyze words together Ex, tiger * Word Detector forms/recognize words without sounding them out. * The word detector and word analyzer is where dyslectics > Because of this they may rely more on their more visual side (right side of the brain.) Other possible issues: Organization, short-term memory, speech, and sequence. Dyslexia can hinder speech because the child hears what's...

The Abler has an official Pinterest account!


The Abler: An update

Hi Everyone ! I am working on some great new blog posts for you all! including, debuting two new full-length features on the subject of Cerebral Palsy Awareness. The first, is In honor of World CP Day on 10.5.16. Which includes an interview with fellow writer, and advocate Nicole Lunogo. Also, the latest sneak peak, a new interview with aspiring artist, and fellow CP fighter Gabriella Greco is on the way! And lastly, (Drum roll please.) The abler is proud to debut it's brand new logo! Thank you to my sister, stephanie for making it.

Exciting news! Here is a sneak peak!

My newest interview: Success No Matter What You're Given In This Life: An interview With Gabriella Greco, Is on it's way stay tuned! -Jessica

The Silent Migraine: One Of Several Different Types Of Headaches/Migraines. Can You Or Someone You Know Relate?

Silent Migraine Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind. The following information was found at the follow sites. National Headache Foundation,,, Pinterest, and If you or someone you know, is believed to be having any of the following symptoms please, consult with your doctor ASAP. I also strongly discourage self-diagnosing. When I first launched the abler, i asked people what subjects/topics they'd like to see me cover and one of the first ones was migraines. And as you can imagine, several terms and types came up in my search.One of them being silent migraine. While doing my research, I came a list of different types of headaches and mi...

Needle To Thread: The Link Bettwen Chronic Illness, Disability, And Addiction

I asked the question: "What do you think is the most common misconception that the Disability/Chronic illness, and even the Addiction Community have in common. That the general public just do not "get"? And the overall consensus was that people are too quick to assume. To quote one of the comments I got on the subject. "The pain can't be that bad." Or they believe the suffer is exaggerating. Or sometimes, if a person's illness is based on their family's history, the patient can be "blamed." They're the cause for why they aren't improving. I strongly believe that because we live an era where you have 'easy access" to almost everything now, that people believe that because it's easy to get that; that's the right way. When in all honesty, the easy way is not necessarily the right way. Getting quick results to anything, especially when it comes to someone's health doesn't usually yield the best results. ...