asked the question: "What do you think is the most common misconception that the Disability/Chronic illness, and even the Addiction Community have in common. That the general public just do not "get"? And the overall consensus was that people are too quick to assume. To quote one of the comments I got on the subject. "The pain can't be that bad." Or they believe the suffer is exaggerating.
Or sometimes, if a person's illness is based on their family's history, the patient can be "blamed." They're the cause for why they aren't improving. I strongly believe that because we live an era where you have 'easy access" to almost everything now, that people believe that because it's easy to get that; that's the right way. When in all honesty, the easy way is not necessarily the right way. Getting quick results to anything, especially when it comes to someone's health doesn't usually yield the best results.
I also think another common issue with assuming is that it can cause some people to show a lack of respect or sympathy toward the suffer. That reaction can come from the general public, but more often then not, can be experienced more by those in the medical field. On the sympathy side, a person can really be showing pity rather then empathy, and or sympathy for the person(s) suffering or faced with a life challenge in general.
Here is what I believe to be the difference between the "pity train." and having sympathy for someone who may be in a particular rough spot in life. Learn from one another. If you're curious, ask them questions. And if you still don't quite understand where they're coming from, that's okay. The difference is your reaction to the person. Be a friend, listen, support them, cheer them on. Assuming someone is not in pain or that they are totally incapable of taking care of themselves, and managing overall. won't help to them. Take action, but Only AFTER THEY'VE EXPRESSED A NEED FOR YOUR HELP.
Be willing; be open. Use your hands to help someone up instead of just pointing, and assuming. See the enormous and positive change that that can make. Not just to the person you're learning from, but the change you see in yourself too. A new prospective can be a real eye opener, and a valuable life lesson to take with you. And please, show them the respect that you yourself would want to be shown. The simplicity of the golden rule is not dead.
The More you know; the more you grow." -Jessica
Statement For Our Members And Followers Hello friends and loyal members of our group. I wanted to take this time, and share with you all that after 8 years of bring an open, and active group to anyone wanting a safe place to share and express like minded information, advice, guidance, and support to the widely diverse, communities both well known and unknown communities. I have had to make the difficult choice to make the facebook group community for the abler blog private indefinitely. Someone has attempted to gain access to the group recently using. my name and the abler’s. claiming to be an actor. They went as far as to even create a facebook page with the same false information. I have since then blocked and reported both personas. It is my hope that the activity in the group remains positive and on-going. My number one priority when I began my work with the abler eight years ago, was to provide a place to share not only my opinions and insights on various topics considered ...
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