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September Blog Topic: The 5 Most Common Types Of Arthritis & a reminder for interested parties about book reviews to be featured on the abler

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Title: The Many Types Of Arthritis 

The topic for September 

 I am in no a professional of any kind. I am strongly against self-diagnosis, and encourage my audience to please seek the professional advice of their own trusted medical professional and any other trusted professional depending on the topic at hand. The Abler Blog ONLY PROVIDES LIMITED GENERAL INFORMATION, Always citing resources used as well. 
Jessica Niziolek, 
Founder Of The Abler Blog, and online community.

According to The Center Of Disease, And Prevention, more than one-third of people report having trouble with keeping the pain from limiting their time doing activities and work. About 25% that it causes such severe pain that it can reach a 7 or higher on a pain scale of 1-10. How many types of arthritis are there? Answer: over 100! As well as other related diseases. Some of the most common types are as follows: 
Osteoarthritis (OA), 
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 
psoriatic arthritis (
PsA), fibromyalgia 

 All of them cause pain in different ways. Osteoarthritis (OA),   which is the protective cartilage that breaks down between a person’s joints. This can make the person’s joints difficult to move as well as very painful. Over time, severe pain occurs when bones start rubbing against one another. Pain can also be caused in other areas that have nothing to do with the cartilage such as, bone, synovium, and ligaments. Pain can vary for the person(s) with this type of arthritis. With Rheumatoid Arthritis, with this particular type of arthritis, it affects both the joints and organs. Which is caused by an attack by the person’s own immune system, typically a person’s immune system protects the body from viruses, and bacteria and so on-with RA, a person’s immune system becomes over-active and can attack healthy tissue, RA the immune system attacks the lining of the person’s joints which is called, synovium, as times goes on this condition can cause permanent damage to joints if pain is persistent. Psoriatic Arthritis(PsA) This type of arthritis is an auto-inflammatory disease this disease attacks the immune system, which causes inflammation and pain. PsA attacks the joints, which causes arthritis. Connective tissues, tendons, and ligaments-this causes enthesitis; and the skin, causing psoriasis. Fibromyalgia is a central pain syndrome. This just means that the brain and spinal cord process pain signals differently. Pain and or touch may cause more pain for the person with this condition rather than someone who doesn’t have this condition. This is called allodynia. And if there is something that causes mild pain to someone could cause extreme pain to someone with this condition. This is called hyperalgesia. This condition is often described as experiencing widespread pain. The pain people experience may be constant for them or it may come and go-it varies. Pain is not the only symptom that you can experience with this condition. You can also experience the following symptoms with this condition. Fatigue, problems with sleep, unable to concentrate, and mood swings. Gout While this is a form of inflammatory arthritis, but unlike PsA and RA, With this condition, it is all about the uric acid crystals. If the body produces too much, or the body can’t get rid of the access of the crystals fast enough it can build up in the blood. This is called hyperuricemia. The excess acid can then form in the joints and cause painful inflammation. Gout usually affects large joints like the big toe. But, it also effects other joints with a gout flare. With gout flares, you can go to bed fine, and wake up in awful pain the next morning. 

For further information please visit the following site:
Also for a full list of the different types of arthritis(s) go to the following page: 

The following information can be found in more detail here:

According to the CDC, 54.4 million adults in the united states are given the diagnoses of having some form of arthritis. Of this number, about 23.7 million people have cut down on their activity level because of their arthritis. While arthritis is more common among people 65 years of age or older. People of all ages can have this condition at any age, this includes children. Please consult with your doctor to discuss what the best treatment plan would be for you since it can vary from person to person.  



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