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Adaptive Technology: What is it? And how does it help those in various disability communities?

Adaptive Technology: What is it? And how does it help those in various disability communities?

Author Note: I am in no a professional of any kind. I am strongly against self-diagnosis, and encourage my audience to please seek the professional advice of their own trusted medical professional and any other trusted professional depending on the topic at hand. The Abler Blog ONLY PROVIDES LIMITED GENERAL INFORMATION, Always citing resources used as well. 
Jessica Niziolek, 
Founder Of The Abler Blog, and online community.

Please Note: That a person’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses can vary depending on how the disability effects said person. Please consult with an OT, Job coach, and or trusted family member to help you navigate the best choice for you in this area. 

The following clarification comes from the online resource 

  • Assistive vs Adaptive The difference (Assistive) Technology that is created for adding to a piece of equipment that a person may already have. For example, a pair of crutches. 
  • Adaptive Technology that is designed for one purpose, and later adapted for an entirely new purpose. For example, microphones and speakers were adapted to be used as a cochlear implant to help people hear. 

Both assistive and adapted technology are widely use throughout many different areas of a person or person(s) daily routine. The purpose of this is to help the said person with a disability or disabilities to help them live an independent and fulfilled life. The assistance of  assistive tech can be found in both the workforce and in the classroom. Even at the collage level. The following examples of assistive technology come from the following website:

  • Electronic worksheets 
  • Phonetic spelling software 
  • Talking calculators
  • Variable speed recorders
  • Videotaped social skills

The following definition comes from the online resource: 

Adaptive learning: Adaptive learning is a technology-based or online educational system that analyzes a student’s performance in real time and modifies teaching methods based on that data.

Adaptive technology can be further explained by Virginia’s Commonwealth University explains that adaptive technology acts as an “add-on” to existing technology, For example, in the 1900s FDR used a care with hand controls on his car after being paralyzed from polio. For further examples of either term please visit:

Assistive And Adaptive Technology In The Workplace 

When it comes to making work materials and work equipment more accessible to individuals more companies are embracing this idea with a wide range of concepts and resources that become more and more accessible to the various disability communities every single day. Everything from Google Maps high lighting all accessible area of travel/transportation within a person’s neighborhood and or city. To major clothing brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Zappos’ both launching clothing lines that are specifically tailored to people with different abilities. I truly believe that by the time we reach 2020 adaptive and assistive technology will be part of the every day life for everyone, and not just the diverse communities that are well known among the disability community. 

As for assistive technology in the workforce goes examples of that are very wide, and can range from to various different hand-assistants for those with limited movement in the hands and fingers. To adaptive computer screens and keyboards for those that may have issues with their vision.  For additional information and examples of further assistance in the workforce for individuals with various disabilities you can also check out the following sites. 

Photo curtsey of Unsplash 

photo curtsey of Google.



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