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Agoraphiba: It's not just about being too scared to leave your own home.

Author Note: Author Note: I am in no way a medical professional of any kind. If you believe you are someone you know, may have this condition please consult with your trusted medical professional. Also, I do not believe in self-self-diagnosis. 

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There are more than 200,000 US cases per year. 
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that creates fear and panic for people that they avoid places and situations that may cause them anxiety and make them feel trapped, helpless, or embarrassed. You fear actual situations in which you can anticipate what could or couldn’t happen. For example, public transportation, small/enclosed spaces, and or standing in lines/crowds. The anxiety is typically created by this overwhelming feeling that there is no way out and or no way to escape. 

    Most people develop agoraphobia after having one or more than one panic attack. Which then can cause them to worry about having another one so they typically avoid going out altogether. People with this disorder often have a hard time feeling safe in public places, especially crowds of people that gather. The person(s) may feel they need to have someone go out with them to and from places, or the feeling of fear may be so intense that they can’t even leave their home. 

    Treating this condition can be difficult because it means the person with it will have to confront their fears. But with the help of medications and a psychotherapy a person(s) with this condition can move past it to live their life to the fullest with enjoyment. The typical symptoms of this condition are as follows: 
Fear of: 
: Leaving home alone
: Crowds or waiting in line
: Enclosed spaces/open spaces
: Using public transportation

Fear and anxiety almost always occur when faced when someone with this condition is faced with situations that could trigger them. Your phobia can last six months are longer. 

Panic disorder and Agoraphobia:

Some people with Agoraphobia can also have a panic disorder in conjunction with it. A panic disorder (a type of anxiety disorder) which means the person can experience sudden attacks of extreme fear that can reach their peak in a few moments, and result into physical symptoms such as panic attacks. You can think you’re losing control, having a heart attack, or even dying. In fear of experiencing this again, the person can start to avoiding circumstances and places that may trigger another attack. The following is a list of symptoms that may occur during a panic attack. 
: rapid heartbeat
: trouble breathing/feeling like you’re chocking
: chest pain/pressure
: feeling lightheaded/dizziness
:feeling shaky/numbness/tingling 
: excessive sweating 
: sudden flushing/chills 
: upset stomach/diarrhea
: feeling a loss of control
: feeling like you’re of dying 

Agoraphobia can severely limit a person’s social skills, and impact their employment, special events, and even simple everyday tasks like running errands. 

    Causes For Agoraphobia: Biology, genetics, health conditions, temperament, environmental. Stress and learning experiences may also play a role in developing this condition. Risk factors: while agoraphobia can occur in childhood, but usually happens in a person’s late teens and early adult years, typically before the age of 35. But this does not exclude older adults from getting a diagnosis of this condition. Women are more likely to develop this condition more than men are. The following information has been provided by Google. The four largest age groups affected by Agoraphobia are as follows: 
: 14-18-year-olds
: 19-40-year-olds
: 41-60 years old
: 60+-year-olds

Complications: Besides being unable to leave your home for years, and function to do typical daily activities, this condition is said to also be associated to the following conditions: Abusing alcohol/drugs, depression, other mental disorders as well as other anxiety and personality disorders. 

While there is not a cure or specific way of prevention for Agoraphobia, it is suggested that a person’s anxiety tends to increase when they are faced with situations that the person fears and can trigger a panic attack. So it is suggested that that the person go with someone (buddy system) for a source of support and slowly start facing and experiencing these situations a little at a time to make it seem less fearful and overwhelming for them. The suggested route of treatment is typically talking therapy and medication. Self-care such as various techniques to help someone relax such as meditation or yoga.

Specialists: Clinical Psychologist, psychiatrist, and primary care physician (PCP.) You may also be prescribed medications in the following areas: Depression, anxiety, and sedative(s). 


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