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What you need to know about the seizure disorder Epilepsy

Resources used in this post are as follows. 

Author's not I am not a medical professional of any kind. I highly encourage anyone who believes they may have this condition to please seek further medical assistance. I also do not recommend self-diagnosis. Founder of the Abler Blog. Jessica. 


What is epilepsy? 
Is a central neurological disorder that creates abnormal brain activity.  With causes secures, sensations, and abnormal /unusual behavior. And sometimes a loss of awareness. 

Anyone can have epilepsy. Does not exclude because of race, gender or ethnic background or age. 

Symptoms of a seizure vary widely. Some stare blankly, lasting more than a few seconds. Others arms and legs twitch. It is important to say that just because you have had a seizure does NOT mean you have epilepsy. You have to have a least two unprovoked seizures to require an epilepsy diagnosis. 

Treatment: Medications and sometimes surgery can help with controlling the disorder for most. Some people with epilepsy require lifelong treatment. Some children even outgrow having seizures as they age.

Symptoms continued. Because Epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in the brain, the seizures can and effect any process your brain coordinates. Some signs are symptoms may include the following. 
: Temporary confusion
: A staring spell
: Uncontrollable jerking movements of arms and legs
: Loss of consciousness or awareness 
: Psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety, or deja vu

Additional information: symptoms vary depending on the type of seizure. For a person with epilepsy, symptoms tend to have the same type of seizure. So symptoms will be similar with each episode. Doctors generally classify the seizures as either focal or generalized. All based on how the brain activity begins. 

Focal seizures are when seizures appear due to brain activity happening in one part of the brain. (Partial seizures.) This type of seizures falls into two categories: Focal seizures without a loss of consciousness, and focal seizures with impaired awareness.

Focal seizures without a loss of consciousness: (once called simple partial seizures.) don’t cause someone to lose consciousness. They may, however, change your emotional state. May change the way things look, feel, taste, and sound. As well as involuntary jerking of body parts (like an arm or leg.) As well as spontaneous sensory symptoms. Such as tingling, numbness, and flashing lights. 

Focal seizures with impaired awareness 
(Once called complex partial seizures.) involve a change or loss of consciousness or awareness, During this type of seizure, you may stare into space, as well as not respond normally to your environment. Or the person may perform repetitive movements, like hand rubbing, chewing, swallowing, or walking in circles. It is also important to note that focal seizures may get confused with being other neurological disorders like a migraine,  narcolepsy, or mental illness. (To confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy a thorough examination, and testing are required for an epilepsy diagnosis.) 

Generalized seizures: These are seizures that appear and involve every area of the brain. There are 6 types of generalized seizures.

One: Absence seizures: (previously known as Petit Mal seizures.) They happen in children. Signs are staring into space, subtle body movements, (Ie. Eye blinking or lip smacking.) These types of seizures may happen in clusters, and cause a brief loss of awareness. 

Two: Tonic seizures: These types of seizures cause stiffening muscles. They usually affect muscles in the back, arms, and legs, and the may cause the person to fall to the ground. 

Three: Atonic seizures: (drop seizures.) cause a loss of muscle control, which can result in the person suddenly collapsing to the ground. 

Four: Clonic seizures: Repeated/Rhythmic jerking muscle movements. These seizures usually affect the neck, face, and arms. 

Five: Myoclonic  Seizures: usually appear as sudden, brief twitches in the arms and legs.

Six: Tonic-clonic seizures (previously known as (Grand  Mal Seizures.) This is the most dramatic type of epileptic seizure. That cause an abrupt loss of consciousness, body stiffening/shaking, and sometimes loss of control of your bladder. And biting the tongue. 

When you should  seek immediate medical attention

: When the seizure lasts more than 5 mins 
: Breathing or consciousness does not return once the seizure is over 
: A second seizure immediately follows after the first.
: A high fever 
: Experiencing heat exhaustion 
: If you’re diabetic or pregnant
: If you injured yourself during the seizure 

About half of the people with epilepsy have no cause as to why they have this condition. The other half of people may have factors that contribute to the condition such as, 
Genetic influence: Meaning the type of seizure you have and what part of the brain it effects can run in the family. I also like to note that environmental conditions may be a trigger for someone with the condition. (Sensitivity.) 
Head Trauma: like a car accident or other traumatic incident can cause epilepsy.
Brain Conditions: like brain tumors or stroke.  Stroke is the leading cause of epilepsy in adults 35 years of age or older.
Infectious Disease: Such as meningitis, AIDS, and viral encephalitis, can cause epilepsy.
Parental injury: before birth babies are sensitive to brain damage. Which could be caused by several factors such as, Infection the mother may be carrying, poor nutrition, or lack of oxygen to the babies. Which can result in epilepsy or cerebral palsy
Developmental Disorders: Epilepsy can be sometimes associated with developmental disorders like autism or neurofibromatosis.

The following is a list of risk factors that may increase your chance of epilepsy.

-Age,  Most common occurrence in children and older adults. But this condition can occur at any age.

-Family History, if this condition runs in your family, then this may increase your chances of having the seizure disorder yourself.

-head injuries are responsible for some cases of this disorder. 

-Stroke and other vascular diseases/disorders (blood vessel) that can lead to brain damage and may trigger epilepsy. Here are some proactive ways to limit your risk. Like limiting alcohol, avoid smoking, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

-Dementia can increase the risk of epilepsy in the elderly.

-Brain Infections such as meningitis which causes inflammation in the brain or spinal cord. This can increase your risk as well.

-seizures in childhood high fevers. Generally does not mean the child will develop epilepsy. However, if the child has a long seizure, another nervous system condition, or a family history of the condition. 

There are certain complications that can possibly arise and be dangerous for all those involved. Her is a list of some examples. 
_car accidents (Many states have restrictions to put on the person(s) license, in relation to their ability to control their seizures. This basically means they have to remain a certain amount of time seizure from which can vary from months to years. 
_Pregnancy complications because some anti-epileptic medications can cause harm to the baby (birth defects) during pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you are in contact with your if you’re planning on starting a family. Most women with this condition, so have healthy babies. With careful moderating and medication adjustments-It’s extremely important that you work with your doctor throughout the planning of your pregnancy. 
_Emotional Health Issues people with this condition are likely to have issues in this area. Such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and behaviors.  Problems may be the result of the person’s difficulty handing their diagnosis as well side effects they may be experienced due to the medications. 

The following, while uncommon, may still occur and can be life-threatening for the person with this condition.
Status epilepticus. This condition occurs if you're in a state of continuous seizure activity lasting more than five minutes or if you have frequent recurrent seizures without regaining full consciousness in between them. People with status epilepticus have an increased risk of permanent brain damage and death.
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). People with epilepsy also have a small risk of sudden unexpected death. The cause is unknown, but some research shows it may occur due to heart or respiratory conditions.
People with frequent tonic-clonic seizures or people whose seizures aren't controlled by medications may be at higher risk of SUDEP. Overall, about 1 percent of people with epilepsy die of SUDEP.

Photos found on Pinterest


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