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Cluster Headache Day 2017

Today is Cluster Headache Day. For anyone that doesn't read my posts about this Life-changing Neurological Disease. It is dubbed in the medical field as the most painful condition known to man. ( I am not kidding.) My baby sister, Stephanie Niziolek was diagnosed as a chronic suffer seven years ago. There are days when she is completely immobile from the pain and agony of these attacks, which happen multiple times throughout the day. Clusters are also known in the medical field as a suicide headache. Because there is such little info medically about them the medical field as a whole, are completely baffled by this condition. This right here ladies and gentlemen, is why I began my journey with my blog, The Abler almost a year ago. I want to erase the stigma and assumption that comes with far too many topics in today's society. It is my hope that if we begin to seriously talk about any and all topics like CH, maybe then we can begin to change minds and start to educate people. You can't grow from something if you don't know about it, right? Please help my family and I get the attention of the medical field and the general public. CH Is a real life-altering disease, and it is definitely so much more than "just a headache.


  1. I am sure this effects her entire quality of life. I have only had two migraines in my entire life and they were so debilitating, so I can only imagine how terrible cluster headaches must be. It may be helpful to contact specialists at your local medical colleges/universities, especially if you have a prominent university nearby such as Emory or Johns Hopkins. Maybe some support groups could help with finding answers as well, and just let her know she's not alone in it. Let's do bring awareness! Awesome post. Thanks for sharing and I'm sending her good vibes and best wishes!

    1. Thank you, Victoria. Sadly my sister is currently looking into a new neurologist. Its very difficult to find specialist that study clusters, because of the lack of general knowledge and info out there...The medical field sadly, still looks at CH as "just a headache."
      Thank you for the kind words. It is greatly appreciated.

  2. I did not know that Cluster Headache has its own day of acknowledgement. Now I do. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I didn't either until I saw it on a fellow advocates FB page. You're welcome!

  4. What I could read looked great, but I just can't read the small black text on the red background. Sorry. :-(

    1. I apologize for that Teri. Thank you for letting me know. I'll change the background. Thank you for the in put.


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