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My interview with Instagram sensation, sunshinesjourney

In late January of this year, I came across a video on-line that literally had me awe-struck. An Instagram follower with the appropriate name of sunshine's journey. Boldly began documenting her weight loss journey for the whole world to see.The decision to lose the weight came after going through the loss of both her parents as well as a bad breakup at the time. Sunshine has lost over 150 pounds all on her own. All by following a simple, but strict diet, and mixing up her exercise routine. She is now training for her first half-marathon. And I am pretty sure it won't be her last...The Abler wishes her the absolute best. And we can not wait to see what other goals she crushes along the way. Thank you, sunshine, for showing the world that you can do whatever you set your heart and mind to. That it's not over for anyone unless they say it is. That even in your darkest days, you can find the light again even if you have to make that light all on your own.  I hope you all enjoy this interview as much as I do. -Jessica

Author's Note: While I know some may believe weight gain/weight loss isn't considered to be a disability, but rather a lifestyle choice. That may be true for most, but not the case for everyone. And I simply wanted sunshine to share her journey with us for the simple fact that if you're faced with adversity, no matter what it looks like to you, that you can overcome it if you're determined enough, and work your butt off every day like sunshine has, and continues to do so.

Hi, Jessica!

1: Many people go through trials and obstacles in life. Especially with their self-image and how they truly see themselves. What prompted you to confront yours in such a public and honest way by using social media to do it? 

I started my public journey on social media on Facebook (Sunshine's Journey to 199) as simply a tool to keep myself accountable. I had no idea that it would grow into almost 250k people cheering me on and seeking motivation! It's important for me to share my struggles as well as my successes and I think that is one of the main reasons why people can relate to me - because I am very similar to them. I am a real person on this journey dealing with real life, just like they are.

2: What are some lessons you've learned all along the way that made you have "a light bulb moment"?

I think that one of the major things that I have learned is that results will come with consistent action. You can go all in overnight and expect to stick with it. I think setting small goals as well as a larger main goal as the little goals are what will keep you motivated on a daily basis and make the end goal seem possible and attainable.

3: What are top 3 tips you can give someone who wants to get healthy too, but just don't know where or how to start?

   1. Use what you have. You don't need a gym membership, or a meal plan or a trainer to get started. You literally can start your journey just by walking 30 minutes a day and eating better. 
   2. Don't "wait till Monday" or next month. There is never a perfect time to start. Your journey can get started literally with the next bite or step you take.
   3. Don't depend on others to keep you motivated. You must motivate and count on yourself. At the end of the day, there are so many things in life beyond our control - work, friends, spouses, kids, bills - what you eat and how much you move each day are what you control. You have the power to change your life, no one else. You have to be self-motivated and find whatever it is that will inspire you to stay on track each day within yourself.

4: It's only natural that you're going have days where you didn't hit you desired goal for that particular day, What do you say to yourself to stay in the right mindset to get the job done?

On the days where I do not go to the gym, but I know I should, I tell myself you just have to go for 10 minutes. Just go for 10 minutes and you can leave. Chances are, you are going to get to the gym and get through those 10 minutes, and do more. I've never left after 10 minutes. The same thing goes when I am craving something terrible I know I don't really need. I'll tell myself that sure, you can have that cheeseburger, but you have to go to the gym first. It's the same idea here - you most likely are not going to want to eat a bad meal after your hard work in the gym, and if you still want it, at least you also got in some exercise first.

5: Is there anyone that you look up to on social media who has given you any tips or advice on how to maintain, and keep the ball rolling for you?

I'm honestly self-motivated. I'm proud of others on social media, but I can't say there is any one person who has motivated me to stay on track.

6: With all the new trends and programs out there to help people get and stay fit. What ones have you found work the best for you?

I love dancing/Zumba because it's fun and while it's definitely a  great workout, you don't really think about it being hard, or ever dread it because it's a great time. Orange Theory (gym) are the hardest workouts I've ever done, but it has really helped transform my body and helped me push myself to work harder than I would if I was working out on my own.

7: Since you have had such an unbelievable response on your weight loss journey does it ever become overwhelming for you and if so, how do you put it all into perspective?

It never becomes overwhelming, but it's always awesome to hear how my story and journey is helping others who have lost hope. It's amazing to know that people can look at my before or even my "now" and say if Sunshine can do it, so can I.

8: What does your workout routine consist of?
Right now I am doing walk/run training getting ready for my first Half Marathon in Vegas in November (The Rock N Roll Half) and 3 days at Orange Theory. (Each class is a 60 minute HIIT class)

9: Everyone knows you can't work out without music. What are the top 3 songs that are a must for you?

1. Pump It  - Black Eyed Peas
2. Soldier  - Eminem
3. Lose Yourself - Eminem

10: If you could write a letter to the old you what would you say?
Thank you for working hard, even on the hardest days. You have changed my life and I will be forever grateful that at 391 pounds, you decided enough was enough and you decided it was time to make a change.


  1. I love the idea of going to the gym for at least 10 minutes because she's right, most likely, you'll stay longer, and if not, at least you got 10 minutes in!

  2. Oh my we like the same song by Black Eyed Peas! Congrats for this interview :)

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