Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind. I Do not suggest that anyone self-diagnose themselves with any form of depression. If you believe you, or someone you love have any of the following signs please consult with a medical professional.
Depression comes in many forms, and come in many extremes. and can strike anyone.Stress plays a big part in a person's health. Depression is considered to be an epidemic. More then 300 million people are said be diagnosed with mental health issues.
It is hard to function with depression. Depression is an umbrella term. Symptoms vary from hopelessness, fatigue, to physical pain. Various forms of depression. are major, atypical, dysthymia.
Depression increases the risk of:
: alcoholism
: Panic/anxiety disorders
: Eating disorders Etc
No one is predestined for depression. There is no known cause for depression. However, having more then one of the following "risk factors" is a known sign that someone may be showing signs of having major clinical depression.
: Biological/Genetics
: environment/childhood development
: Psychological environment
Clinical depression is a serious condition that effects the mind, body, and spirit. It effects every aspect of your life. It is one of the most common mental health conditions. It effects 10% of the population every year.The best form of treatment is usually anti-depressents and talk therapy/ about 80-90% respond very well to this type of treatment.
The following is a list of different types/symptoms if depression
1. Major Depression, (most common) 7 % are effected. Extreme sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating, change in sleep and eating habits. Physical pain. feelings of guilt. Thoughts of death/suicide. For an official diagnosis symptoms must last more then 2 weeks. There are short periods but they can occur throughout a person's life.
2. Dysthymia, (common form) May not know you have it. 2%of people experience Dysthymia. Can cause a low mood of a long period of time. (A year or more.) Can function adequately, but not at their best. Symptoms: sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and changes in eating/sleeping habits. May also be at rick for major depression. Responds to talk therapy, but for the best result, combination of medication and talk therapy.
3. Post Partum Depression, 85% of new moms experience it. 16% of them receive the diagnosis. symptoms include: fears, sadness, fear they may hurt the baby, loneliness, ECT. PPD can occur anywhere from weeks to giving birth-to months.However, it almost always develops within a year after the mom gives birth. Seek prompt medical attention. Treatment may include medication and talk therapy. .
4. Seasonal Effective Disorder (SAD) 4-6% of people in the US are effected. Symptoms: anxiety, irritability, fatigue, weight gain. It is said that this happens because a lack of natural sunlight during the winter months. No known case as to why. Symptoms of (SAD) are rarely severe. SAD happens in early winter, and lifts in the spring. Treatment, artificial light therapy.
5. Atypical Depression, misunderstood form. May be one of the most common types. Common symptom: heaviness in arms and legs, a type of paralysis. The study known as, The Archives Of General Psychiatry, (JAMA Psychiatry) found that over eating, and over sleeping are the 2 most common symptoms. Other symptoms: possible weight gain, , irritability, and relationship problems. Suggested treatment, talk therapy.
6. Psychotic Depression, Psychosis is a mental state. False beliefs of delusions, false sights and sounds (hallucinations.) Not typically linked to depression. The National Alliance Of Mental Health states that 20% of people see or hear things that are not there. People with PD may become catatonic, , not speak, or leave their bed. Treatment: may consist of a combination of anti-depreessants and anti-psychotic medications. (There are mixed opinion on treatment so please, consult with your dr. for the best course of action.)
7. Bipolar Disorder, From highs to lows, and back again. (Manic Depressive Disorder) The reason for this is that symptoms can alternate from manic to depression. Symptoms include: high energy, excitement, racing thoughts, and poor judgement. Symptoms may occur, (mainly depression.) Anywhere from a few times a year to longer. Effecting 2-3% of the population. has one of the highest risk for suicide.There are four basic subtitles for bipolar: Bipolar1. Characterized by at least one manic episode. 2. Bipolar2 characterized by hypomanic episodes (milder) with depression. 3. Cyclothymic Disorder, a milder form of bipolar. Both cyclothymia and bipolar, are characterized by extreme mood swings, highs of mania, to lows of depression. With short neutral times in between. The difference in between the two is intensity. Bipolar: major depression, and clinical diagnosed mania. Cyclothymia: low-grade depression, mild mania. 4. Other specified bipolar and related disorder. Bipolar is usually treated with drugs known as mood stabilizers.
8. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Happens once a month. PMDD effects women during the send half of their menstrual cycle. Symptoms include: depression, anxiety mood swings, PMS. ( 85% have PMS, and milder symptoms of PMDD.) About 5% of woman experience a severe case of PMDD. When symptoms are active, it can effect relationships, and their ability to function on a normal level. Treatment: Talk therapy, depression drugs, and nutrition therapies.
9. Situational Depression, (Adjustment Disorder) Triggered by stress or life-changing event. IE. loss of job/loved one, or other trauma. SD is 3 times more common then major depression. Medication is rarely needed, (Said to clear up once said event is over.) However, don't ignore the following symptoms: excessive sadness, worry, or nervousness. (if they do not go away) they may in fact be warning signs of major depression.
Additional information :
:Depression in children and teens: symptoms include: irritability, unexplained aches and pains, and social withdrawal.
:Both girls and boys experience depression equally. Until they reach adolescence. That's when the girls tend to show signs of depression more then the boys. It continues as they get older.
:Symptoms that effect adults may include: Slowed speech/ activity, Sleeping too much, and delusions.
For older people: if they experience longer periods of aloneness and keep to themselves. If this keeps them from living their life seek treatment right away.
:In the US, women are twice as likely to be diagnosed. 20-25% of women, and 12 % of men. experience serious depression. Women are believed to experience depression more so then men because they experience more stress juggling work and home life, as well has dealing with hormones, pregnancy, and menopause. Women also tend be more accepting of their diagnosis, and are more willing to accept treatment. Where men tend to mask their diagnosis with drugs and drinking.
The four factors for depression:
1. martial status/divorce
2. age (clinical depression occurs between the age of 20-50 years old. Anyone over that age are
3. Prior episode
4. heredity
Information on a Common Depressive Illness is as follows:
For people that have substance abuse issues. CDI, (Common Depressive Illness) is the clinical term. The definition is as follows: it is a permanent and persistent disturbance of mood. That directly effects the person(s) psych because of said substance abuse, medication or somatic treatment for depression or toxic exposure. Their mood can manifest into a manic episode with a mixture of manic depression. This is considered grandiose. Mood disorders generally show up when the person(s) is intoxicated or during with drawl. (Grandiose periods do not usually last long.) But, they do occur frequently, and in the the company of other CDI's People with issues with alcoholism are most likely to suffer with depression then someone who does not. And with addiction, about more then half with bipolar 1, also have a co- occurring substance disorder.
:Men are more likely to report drug and substance abuse in their lifetime. This is a debatable topic among some.) Some question whether substance abuse is a "symptom' or just a a re-ocurring condition that develops more in men. Substance abuse can be used as a "mask" to hid a person(s) depression. Which can make it harder to diagnosis as a separate illness that is to in need of being treated medically.
Comorbidity: When a disease or disorder occurs at the same tome as another one but is unrelated. Along with depression, 92% of people also meet the criteria for at least one additional mental illness. The following are some of the most common metal illness today. Behavioral/ADD/ADHD, substance abuse disorders, and anxiety.
The resources i used for this post is as follows:
- All About Depression.com
- EverydayHealth
- Yahoo/ the ten different types of depression
- Ifred.org/typesofdepression
- World Health organization- disease and prevention.
- Depression/Bipolar Alliance: of Greater Huston
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