Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind. I Do not suggest that anyone self-diagnose themselves with any form of depression. If you believe you, or someone you love have any of the following signs please consult with a medical professional. Depression comes in many forms, and come in many extremes. and can strike anyone.Stress plays a big part in a person's health. Depression is considered to be an epidemic. More then 300 million people are said be diagnosed with mental health issues. It is hard to function with depression. Depression is an umbrella term. Symptoms vary from hopelessness, fatigue, to physical pain. Various forms of depression. are major, atypical, dysthymia. Depression increases the risk of: : alcoholism : Panic/anxiety disorders : Eating disorders Etc No one is predestined for depression. There is no known cause for depression. However, having more then one of the following "risk factors" is a known sign that someone may be showin...
A blog that deals with all things related to the disabled community. Both visible and invisible. A place where I'll share my thoughts, insights, opinions, and experiences with all of you!