Derived from the indigo flower, methylene blue is a safe and effective dye used for the treatment of a number of health conditions, including methemoglobinemia (the only FDA approved substance that can), viral infections, and poor/declining mental cognition. Since 1930, Methylene blue has been used for carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning. Beyond its role as a first-aid intervention, methylene blue has powerful benefits for cellular protection, which are just beginning to take their place in the limelight. Reasons to choose BeeBlue Fight Inflammation and Oxidative Stress BeeBlue starts at the core. Methylene blue has been found to decrease key inflammatory pathways that control other pathways. They include NF-kB, which is the master switch for an inflammatory response along with the production of the powerful free radical, superoxide. Mitochondrial Recycling BeeBlue removes aged mitochondria with diminished function, so new cells can be made and take their place. This maintains yo...
A blog that deals with all things related to the disabled community. Both visible and invisible. A place where I'll share my thoughts, insights, opinions, and experiences with all of you!