Hello Everyone, Happy July 1st! This month, will be a short content month. We hope our readers enjoy this month's guest blogpost by Jody Novak with "CP A-Z." Thank you Jody, for your contribuation. Welcome to the abler family! Next Month we will be back on our regular content schedule. Founder, Jessica Niziolek. Graphic Made With Canva.com What is Cerebral Palsy? Do you have cp or know someone who does? What are the facts vs. the myths about CP? What is CP? We will be looking at answering these questions and much more. Cerebral Palsy is a childhood disease that affects children at birth due to a lack of oxygen or a severe brain injury. Yes. Not all children born with Cerebral Palsy are preemies, not all are diagnosed right away, and not all cp is caused by a lack of oxygen at, during, or shortly after birth. In some cases, CP stems from underlining conditions (ex: meningitis), which can cause dramatic brain damage, which can result in a diagnosis of cerebral pal...