Welcome Our Guest Blogger For The Month Of May: Brandon Ryan. As He Shares His Personal Story On The Importance Of Resilience
Image Made With Canva.com brandon has been a supporter, and one of our greatest contributors of The Abler from the beginning, and we could not be more thrilled that he decided to share such an insiteful, and thought-provoking piece with us. If our readers would like to know more about Brandon, I highly suggest reading his latest. books The Emotional Struggle. The Emotional Struggle By Brandon Ryan As a kid I can remembering being a very sensitive soul, getting ready for my first surgery, the nervous sensation filling my stomach. Upon telling my mom how nervous I was, I threw up right in front of her. At such a young age, I didn’t know how to handle or process what was about to happen to me. All I knew is that doctors were going to leave me with a rather lengthy scar on my back. There was no way I could know or prepare for the kind of pain that would follow the operation. That morning of the operation, I can remember getting to Children’s Hospital, very early...