My Guest Spot on Terry Smith Show: Bridging the Gap on Surviving Head Trauma with Terry Smith 07/26 by Brain Injury Radio | Health Podcasts
Bridging the Gap on Surviving Head Trauma with Terry Smith 07/26 by Brain Injury Radio | Health Podcasts : Bridging the Gap on Surviving Head Trauma with Terry Smith As survivors of a near death experience, Brain Injury is something we learn to live with on a lifelong basis. We come to terms with reality and the illusion of what people do not see. Tonight we talk about bearing the truth about ourselves and the focus of why we remain alive. Celeste Palmer, Founder of Bridging the Gap, validating resources and providing communication forum for traumatic brain injury survivors and their caregivers. Life coaching - helping survivors, family, caregivers among others reach meaningful and timely outcomes. Facilitating support groups for survivors, caregivers and family members. Motivational speaker. as well as speaking on topics related to brain injury and finding productive lifestyles after significant life changes. Jessica Niziolek, has also completed 12 interviews covering various topics s...